We handle EVERYTHING. From visas to flights, and a fully customized, all-inclusive trailed trip experience, your only job is to enjoy the magic.      We handle EVERYTHING. From visas to flights, and a fully customized, all-inclusive trailed trip experience, your only job is to enjoy the magic.     


The Heli scenic tour will begin by low overflying Paro valley covered in fertile rice fields along the meander-ing Pa Chu which divides the valley. Enroute it passes over ancient rural villages followed by some of Bhutan’s most famous and prominent sights. For instance,  Paro Rin-pung Dzong built in the 15th Century which currently houses the administrative and monastic body of Paro. Slightly above the ridge is the Taa Dzong ( National Museum) and minutes later a close up of the world’s famous, Paro Taktsang or the ‘Tigers Nest’ Monastery will give you a breath taking experience and a unique feature of this tour.

Further heading North towards Mount Jomolhari fly-ing along the Pa Chu over the ruins of Drugyel Dzong built in 1649; which is listed as a tentative site in Bhu-tan’s Tentative List for UNESCO inclusion. Mount Jomo Lhari which stands at 7320 metres above the sea level is straddled between the autonomous region of Tibet and Northern Bhutan. It is one of the highest virgin peaks in the world.

Highlights of the chopper ride includes:

  • Scenic flight over – Paro Dzong, Paro valley, (northen himalayas)
  • Taktsang, Drukgyal Dzong & glimpse of Mt.Jomo Lhari. ( 5 Passengers)