The Bhutanese currency is known as Ngultrum. It is referenced with the currency symbol of ‘Nu’. In most trading terms it is abbreviated as BTN of Bhutanese Ngultrum. The Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan is the main authority of the Ngultrum Banknotes and coins in Bhutan. The Ngultrum is also pegged one to one with Indian Rupees.  
Bhutan currency Ngultrum

Ngultrum and its Denominations

The existing denominations, of Bhutanese ngultrums are Nu 1, Nu 5, Nu 10, Nu 20, Nu 50, Nu 100, Nu 500, and Nu 1000.
Any denominations below Nu. 1 is called Chetrum which are available in 25 Ch and 1 Ch coins.

bhutan ngultrum | Bhutan currency

Bhutan Facts & Info

Destinations in Bhutan

Frequently Asked Questions

USD 100= Nu. 7000

Therefore USD 1000, is equivalent to Nu. 70,000. 

The unit is called Ngultrum.

You can exchange inside the Airport terminal before you exit towards the Arrival section.

We usually recommend exchanging at the local Bank in Thimphu or Paro as the exchange rates are much better compared to the airport. 

You do not need to exchange as all your traveling costs including accommodations will be arranged by us. Most of our guests spend close to nothing.

If you wish to buy some souvenirs, you can exchange them at the local banks.