King and Queen of Bhutan

King of Bhutan

The dragon king of Bhutan

King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, born 21 February 1980, is the son of King Jigme Singye Wangchuck and is the current reigning Druk Gyalpo or Dragon King, of the Kingdom of Bhutan. He became King on 9th December,  2006. A public coronation ceremony was held on 1 November 2008, an auspicious year that marked 100 years of Monarchy in Bhutan.

His Majesty’s education was in schools within the country followed by high school and university in the USA and the UK. His Majesty also attended the 2005 program of the National Defence College in New Delhi, India. Furthermore, His Majesty has received Honorary Doctorates from the University of New Brunswick, Canada, Rangsit University, Thailand, Calcutta University, India, and most recently from Keio University, Japan.

In addition to the King’s official functions, His Majesty oversees the Royal University of Bhutan as Chancellor; Patron of the Bhutan Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Patron of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies and the European Convention of Bhutan Societies; President, Bhutan India Friendship Association.

Prior to Bhutan’s full transition to parliamentary democracy, His Majesty travelled across the country to meet with the people and discuss the then draft constitution introducing the new political system. Under the guidance of His Majesty the King and His Majesty the fourth King, the country has been advancing towards democratic governance from the early ‘80s. Following these consultations and detailed discussions in the National Assembly, the constitution of Bhutan was put to a nationwide referendum in June 2008, and adopted. His Majesty has stated that as King, one of his biggest and most sacred responsibilities is to strengthen parliamentary democracy in Bhutan.

His Majesty The King of Bhutan

Since the formal coronation, King Jigme Khesar’s first landmark project was the launching of the National Cadastral Resurvey in March 2009. The programme is aimed at resolving long-standing land issues of excess land that affects every Bhutanese household. The King has also been giving land to landless farmers around the country. The on-going project takes the King to remote villages and communities.

On the 17th of December 2019, His Majesty the King,  announced the launch of Gyalsung – Bhutan’s National Service by 2022.

The Gyalsung is envisioned as a one-year integrated training program mandatory for all youths attaining the age of 18 and if in school – upon completion of grade twelve.

The one-year training will include three months of basic military training followed by nine months of specialized training in various fields ranging from home construction technologies, computing and entrepreneurship to focused development of skills in agriculture.

The objective of the Gyalsung is to provide direction and encourage our youth to be strong, independent thinkers, capable of serving the country. It will bring the youth of Bhutan together in a shared experience and act as a rite of passage- irrespective of their economic or regional backgrounds. The program seeks to endow every young Bhutanese with the personal attributes/discipline and professional skills and capabilities needed to succeed in the 21 st century and thereby contribute to nation-building.

On 20 May 2011, the King Jugme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuck announced his engagement to Jetsun Pema. They Royal Couple were married on 13 October 2011 in a sacred ceremony at Punakha Dzong. During the ceremony the King also received the Crown of the Druk Gyal-tsuen (Queen) from the most sacred Machhen temple of the Dzong and bestowed it on Her Majesty Jetsun Pema, hereby formally proclaiming her the Queen of the Kingdom of Bhutan.

Visit His Majesty’s Facebook Page

Queen of Bhutan

Queen of Bhutan | Ashi Jetsun Pema Wangchuck

Queen of Bhutan Jetsun Pema was born in Thimphu on 4th June, 1990. Her father is Dhondup Gyaltshen from Trashigang, Eastern Bhutan, and to mother, Sonam Chuki, from Bumthang Wangchuck.

Queen Jetsun is the second eldest of five children. Her four siblings include two brothers, Thinlay Norbu and Jigme Namgyal and two sisters, Serchen Doma and Yeatso Lhamo.

Early Education

Queen Jetsun Pema’s early education took place in Thimphu at the Little Dragon School, the Sunshine School (1995–96) and finally the Changangkha Lower Secondary School (1997–98). She then received a convent education at St. Joseph’s Convent in Kalimpong, West Bengal, India, from 1999–2000. She pursued her secondary education at the Lungtenzampa Middle Secondary School in Thimphu from 2001 to 2005 and moved to the Lawrence School, Sanawar, in Solan Himachal Pradesh, India, in April 2006.[5 She joined Lawrence as a Class-XI student and chose to study English, history, geography, economics, and painting. She completed her Higher Secondary education on 31 March 2008.

She then began her graduate studies at Regent’s College in London, where she took up International Relations with Psychology and Art History as minor subjects.

Visit Her Majesty Jetsun Pema’s Facebook Page

royal wedding of Bhutan | King and queen of Bhutan

The Royal Wedding

King Jigme Khesar and Jetsun Pema married on 13 October 2011, at Punakha Dzong. The royal wedding ceremony was held first in Punakha, followed by formal visits to different parts of the country. During the ceremony, the King also received the Crown of the Druk Gyal-tsuen from the sacred Machhen and bestowed it on Jetsun Pema, thereby formally proclaiming her as the Queen of the Kingdom of Bhutan.

The wedding was held in traditional style with the “blessings of the guardian deities.” 

The royal prince of Bhutan 2021

The Royal Prince

The first Royal Child of His Majesty King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck and Her Majesty Gyaltsuen Jetsun Pema was born on February 5, 2016, coinciding with the 27th day of the 12th Bhutanese month.

His Royal Highness was delivered safely at the Lingkana Palace in Thimphu.

All sacred Bhutanese traditions were observed for the auspicious occasion, with His Holiness the Je Khenpo presiding over the religious ceremonies.

The second Royal Child of Their Majesties The King and Queen, a Prince, was born on March 19, 2020, corresponding with the 25th day of the 1st month of the Male Iron Rat year, in Lingkana Palace, Thimphu.

Published on 22nd January 2021