So what is ema datsi?
Ema Datsi is the national dish of Bhutan. The literal translation of emadatsi is Chilli and Cheese, Ema means Chilli and Datsi meaning cheese. It is one of the most popular dishes from Bhutan and it is served in restaurantsall over Bhutan.
What is the origins of ema datsi
Ema datsi has always been a signature dish in Bhutan. Chilis have remained an integral part of Bhutanese palate for centuries. Although, chilies are not indigenous to Bhutan, it is believed to have arrived via India and traders between the two countries.
It is a tradition for Bhutanese to introduce spice and chilies to their children since it is believed to increase both appetite and keep oneself stay warm. From an early age, children are given chilies in increasing increments in order to steel them for a life time of chili consumption and it is even believed to ward off evil spirits.
why do people love ema datsi
While chilies are considered a spice in other countries, Chilies are considered a vegetable in Bhutan. And chilies are the most important ingredient in Ema Datsi. Ema Datsi is also a predominant cuisine in the Bhutanese diet and most prepare for every meal. Although, no research and proper study is conducted, it is understood that Bhutanese love their ema datsi to keep one stay warm and energized during cold weather conditions.
Furthermore, Ema datsi also holds an important place in rituals and traditions in Bhutan. At every important functions, and festivities, the food menu doesn’t complete without ema datsi. It cleary indicates that Bhutanese highly er
what makes ema datsi different from other dishes
Ema Datsi has a sharp and spicy taste. Ema Datsi is primary prepared with lots of Chilies and Cheese. As a result, the flavor provides a relishing thick savory taste.
It also blends and pairs with other Bhutanese dishes easily as it is delicious and can be enjoyed alone or as part of a larger meal. Ema datsi is usually served along with other Bhutanese dishes as it combines behaves as a bridge between the different flavors.It is almost always served with red rice or white rice as it fuses the taste and takes away the hot sting of the chilies.
How is Ema datsi prepared?
Preparing ema datsi is simple. It is a simple stew made of a variety of chilies, either fresh or dried and a special cheese. One can tone down the spice levels of ema datsi by either mixing spicy chilies with non-spicy chilies or adding Mushroom and potatoes.
In terms of the cheese, the most common one used in Bhutan is Cheddar cheese which easily melts. However, Yak cheese is considered a exotic delicacy for ema datsi and it can be expensive.
How many types of ema datsi
A variety of ema datshi dishes can be prepared. Variations include, popular potatoes (kewa datshi), dried beef (shakam Datsi) or mushroom (shamu datsi). The main delicacy of ema datsi will depend on the quality of chilies and some Bhutanese prefer very spicy. And one of the best combination is to serve over a bed of red rice from Bhutan.
To create more flavoring, some people prefer to add tomatoes, peas or butter to make the soup more appetizing.
What is the process of preparing Ema Datsi
(Servings: 1)
• 3-5 pieces of Bhutanese green chili, cut horizontally
• 3 cloves of garlic, preferably chopped
• 1 onion, sliced (use spring onions if you’re cooking with dried red chili)
• 2 tablespoons oil or butter
• 1 2-ounce ball homemade cottage cheese (cheese with light mold gives better flavor)
• Salt to taste
Wash the chili pieces and cut them into smaller horizontal pieces.
Set a pan on the stove and fill it with ½ cup of water. Now throw chili, chopped garlic, sliced onion, salt, and butter in the pan. Sprinkle a ball of cottage cheese on top.
Cover the pot and boil it on low flame for about 10 minutes. Stir and serve with red rice.
- For a flavorful dish, use a combination of chilies like Anaheim, jalape and green chilies (Thai or Indian variety).
- Increase or reduce the amount of chilies based on your tolerance for heat.
- You can also remove the pith and ribs to reduce the heat quotient
- You can use any type of cheese especially one that melts.
- Avoid using stringy cheese like mozzarella.
- A combination of farmer’s cheese, blue cheese & cheddar would be good.